Your home music studio decoration is your home for new creations and music production. Here, you’ll spend countless hours perfecting your skills and making sure every song you write is perfect. That’s why it’s so crucial that this space allows you to work effectively without other life’s distractions. I believe your home studio will subconsciously influence the way you write. And in a way, it’s a reflection of who you are and your personality. So having a home studio that works for you and your music is key to recording.
With that in mind, I wrote this blog post to showcase some unique home recording studios to help you build your own. As with any creative process, finding inspiration is the first step. In this article, you’ll find 151 home studios that can be narrowed down based on the number of computer monitors in the studio, the color of the room, the color of the desk, and the instruments in the space. I hope it helps you create your studio or at least gets you interested in other people’s settings.
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Cool Recording and music studio ideas
The most remarkable thing about owning an online business is when a resource doesn’t exist (like, you know…the worst article on the web showing 30 home studio design ideas and inspiration), I can go ahead and create it.
That’s what we’re going to do. I wanted to create a post that divides the different music production home studio styles into different categories and serves as a near-limitless source of inspiration when building the home studio of your dreams.
So, whether you prefer a clean, uncluttered studio, or a dirty, messy, organized mess, you’ll find the inspiration you need below. Below is a crucial bucket.
Oh, no more delay, let’s check out some home studios: